Join the Farm Tour
If you operate a farm or ranch in Jackson or Josephine counties in Southern Oregon, you’re invited!
How the Farm Tour Works
Host farms and ranches will be included in the annual event brochure, which includes a map of all the participating locations, along with brief descriptions of each farm or ranch. Event brochures will be available at various retail locations leading up to the event, and digital versions will be available for participants to download on mobile devices. Community members are invited to explore the brochure and plan their day according to the farms/activities they would like to visit. Learn more about how the Farm Tour works for participants here.
The Tour will be limited to a total of 31 farms and ranches, and locations will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.
What to Expect as a Host Farm
We’re looking for locations interested in offering tours, family-friendly activities, goods for sale, samples, food trucks, music, and/or whatever works best for your location. We realize July can be a very busy time on the farm.
It’s important to note that Farm Tour participants are looking for engaging experiences and specifically plan their day around a farm’s advertised activities. If your location is off the beaten path, make sure you have an enticing activity to draw participants to your location. Guests may only visit for 5 minutes or they may stay for hours and ask you questions. Flexibility is important.
Because you have an intimate understanding of what you’d like each guest to learn and what your farm can handle, each host is responsible for its own activities and offerings.
If you choose to offer meals at your location, we encourage farm-fresh offerings and/or locally-sourced ingredients.
If requested, we will do our best to provide your farm or ranch with volunteers to assist the day of the event. We can not guarantee volunteers for your farm or ranch.
Weather is an important consideration when planning activities. Historically, rain has not been an issue, but the temperatures can climb quite high by mid-afternoon in July. Consider variations in your offerings throughout the day: field tours in the mornings and shaded or indoor demonstrations or sampling in the afternoon, for example.
The number of participants can vary from year to year depending on weather, wildfire, and other events in the area. We expect a minimum of 1,000 guests and as many as 3,000 guests. With a total of 31 farms, 1,000 guests averages out to about 30 guests per farm and 3,000 guests averages out to about 95 guests per farm. Each location should be prepared for a minimum of 30-100 guests the day of the tour. If your farm is easy to access, or if you are in an area with a higher concentration of farms on the tour, plan for a higher number of guests. We do ask that you try to keep a count of the number of people who visit your farm, as this is the primary way for us to estimate attendance.
For additional information about what to expect as a host farm, and what guests are expecting from you, we highly recommend reviewing survey results from previous years.
What's Provided for Host Farms
The Farm Tour is a great way to promote your farm or ranch! The Farm Tour provides printed brochures that include a map of all participating locations, a list of all of participating farms, brief descriptions of each farm, and icons denoting specific activities. The Farm Tour also provides advertising and promotion of the event, and features participating farms and ranches on our social media pages leading up to the event. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @roguevalleyfarmtour!
Prior to the event, hosts will receive a packet containing day-of-event materials, and branded wayfinding signage to help direct participants to your location. If you need volunteers to assist with parking and welcoming guests, please let us know when you complete the signup form.